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This a legit company with legal status.


Welcome to Rcshopers.com, Rcshopers has been dedicating professional delivery service to the world at large. Our delivery agents respond to our needs at no cost. We have built a good business relationship with many shipping companies like UPS, FedEx, TNT, UPS Routing and other accredited delivery companies like DHL,USPS design to meet our customers needs. All package are sealed discreet and secured.

Please ensure you pay careful attention to the address box and contact phone number as this will form your address label for shipping. Failed deliveries from Rcshopers.com cannot be replaced until the item is returned by Rcshopers.com to info@Rcshopers.com  call or text +1 828-542-0336 In the event of a failed delivery, the goods are returned to us promptly by Bath Salts Dealers. Once we have received the goods back we will cancel your order if required. Note All Orders are insured before they arrive at customer destination. In case of any accrued insurance fee, clients will be notified.Rcshopers.com has been dedicating professional delivery service to the world at large. Our delivery agents respond to our needs at no cost. We have build a good business relationship with many shipping companies like UPS, FedEx, TNT, DHL Discreet Mailing and other accredited delivery companies like DHL,USPS design to meet our customers needs. All package are sealed discreet and secured. Note in case of 90% refundable insurance for new clients only they will be notified. The password area on the online form is to create an automatic account with the company. So your password is important to us and case sensitive. Thanks for choosing Rcshopers.com  online shop. we are the best and we have been in business for over decades now. We will never put our clients at risk.


Rcshopers.com registered with Us Chamber Of Commerce. Base in the United States, Rcshopers has been dealing on research chemicals, bath salts and herbal incense nationally and international for decade now. Many of customers buy from our store and we deal with them locally.  Now, we have decided to go online to meet other research chemicals companies and customers who do not know our existence. This awareness has been design to meet DEA laws on  banning

and regulations, and the United States Controlled Substances Act responsive to direct legislation.

Rcshopers.com has been a dedicated Us Major online company for the past years now. We have recently meet up with the Federal Government law regarding shipment and handling of Rcshopers.com . As a result of building a good business reputation within the United States, Canada and the world, We are found at the top on US Chamber of Commerce as one of the best online company. We now offer free shipment for all orders above $4000. All package/goods are sealed discreet and subject to confidentiality. All goods are dispatched from our warehouse. Transit times apply to orders placed before 12.00pm Monday to Saturday. All in-stock orders received before 12.00pm will be dispatched the same day. All in-stock orders received after 12.00pm will be dispatched the following day. In-stock orders received on weekends, bank holidays and public holidays will be dispatched the next working day. In-stock Orders placed on Saturday before 12.00pm will not be delivered until after the weekend as weekend deliveries are not available.


Learn More About Rcshopers Co.

Ordering Guidelines for Research Chemicals and Controlled Substances


To obtain research chemicals and controlled substances from the NIDA DSP, all research investigators will need to prepare a Request Package. A Request Package should include the following items:


1.  A cover letter including:


Name, phone number, and email address of Research Investigator (and consignee, if applicable),

Provide a current and complete address that would allow shipment by a suitable carrier such as Federal Express (FedEx) (i.e. street address, building name or number, room number, city and state) - This address should coincide with the address on the DEA order form.

For radio-labeled drugs or chemical substances, indicate the address to which such materials will be shipped.  In case the shipping address is different from the researcher's address, a current copy of the radioactive materials license must be submitted.

If applicable, NIH grant number of project and name and contact information of project’s NIDA/NIH Program Officer.  If a non-grantee, no information on Program Officer and grant number is required.

Name(s) and quantity of compounds or other substances being requested,

The total radioactivity (preferred units of measurement, mg per vial, etc.)

If multiple studies/tasks are planned, combine projected needs into a single order rather than placing several separate requests in a short time interval. The request should generally be limited to four items or drugs/compounds per order to avoid delay.


Learn More About Research Chemical And Bath Salts.

Posted on February 14, 2019 in Business by Derick Lans


Question: Kindly give our readers an introduction to your business. Please include what your business is all about, in which city you are located and if you have offices in multiple locations/ cities.


Avoid drug abbreviations, and include specifications such as (+), (-), (dl), base, or salt, as appropriate.  Please visit the NIDA Drug Supply Catalog (PDF, 11.6MB) (this document is not fully accessible, for help viewing this content, contact us at +1 (828)-542-0336, for drug supply information.


2.  The Research Investigator’s curriculum vitae (CV).


3.  A detailed research protocol clearly indicating:


The specific aims and goals of proposed study (preferably the study abstract)

The number of experiments and experimental subjects

The dosages or concentration of drugs

Calculate required amount of drugs or chemical substances for your project and submit your request well in advance of your planned experiments or tasks, or 6-8 weeks prior to depletion of stock on hand for ongoing studies/tasks.

Justification of quantities of drug(s) requested.  If the request is related to a previously submitted protocol, provide a reference to this protocol and a brief statement of progress along with references to resulting publications.

4.  Statement of commitment that NIDA will be acknowledged in research publications using the NIDA Drug Supply Program.



Note: All clients should be entitled to an Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances. Before buying from the company. Base on the article

March 31, 2010, DEA's Interim Final Rule with Request for Comment titled "Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances" [Docket No. DEA-218, RIN 1117-AA61] was published in the Federal Register. The rule became effective June 1, 2010.

Law Abiding Company
Electronics Prescription For Controlled Substances
Rcshopers.com is a law abiding company.
We work with shipping companies all around the world, most of our packages are
sealed discreet and secured. delivery is 100% guaranteed and secured.
Meanwhile, on certain occasions, customers are required to show proof of their
EPCS (Electronics Prescription For Controlled Substances).
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About us
Rcshopers.com is a legit company with legal status
Rcshopers Co, is a place for great minds.
Rcshopers.com creates an atmosphere of trust and confidence in the
minds of our customers. Delivery is 100% secured and guaranteed, we have
been doing this for decades now. Meanwhile, on certain occasions, customers are required to show proof of their
EPCS (Electronics Prescription For Controlled Substances).
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Online Store
Services: overnight shipping, discreet packaging, no signature is requred on delivery.
Thanks for visiting Rcshopers.com.
We take the initiative to respond to our customers' needs very important.
All messages on the contact form will get a response within 5-10 minutes.
Rcshopers offers overnight delivery, discreet packaging, same day delivery(24h),
and no signature is required on delivery.
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+1.(828) 542-0336
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